The Baugher Family

The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rollin right along...

In case you weren't aware, Brady rolled over 3 times last night!  We did video the second roll.  It's a long video (a little over 5 minutes long) so if you don't want to watch it all you can just fast forward to about 4:15.  That's when it starts to get really good.  I'll give you the summary of what you will miss.  He cries, farts once, sneezes and raises his head up multiple times.  If you want to be entertained, or you have 5 minutes to spare, please sit back and enjoy a huge milestone in this little guys life!

P.S. = not sure, but we think he's a little advanced for rolling over at 5 weeks...

I got a lot of catching up to do.  I am aware I skipped like 6 months, we've been busy...  I will recap everything a.s.a.p.