The Baugher Family

The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family

Friday, August 21, 2015

It's almost done...

Yet again, summer has come and gone.  So many things happen and as I've gotten older times really does seem to go so fast.  One of the best things about being a teacher is that I get to spend 2 1/2 months at home with the kids.  That's also one of the hardest things too I think.  If there was any way possible, I would never leave my house and just play all day with the kids.  It is the best feeling in the world to be able to see my kids growing up right before my eyes everyday.  They get smarter everyday.  I swear, it's almost like their looks change everyday.  I get happier everyday.

As I sit here and watch Adelynn sleep on the floor and wait to hear the little Brady footsteps coming down the stairs, I just realize how blessed Carly and I are.  I know other people might not think so, but WE are the luckiest people in the world.  Being an adult is really hard work sometimes.  Our last few days have been "crazy" to say the least.  But when we give Brady a big hug or snuggle Addy and give her a big kiss, it's all good again. 

I'm going to miss drinking coffee from a cup and not a travel mug starting Monday.  I'm going to miss being able to wear mesh shorts and t-shirts all day.  Well, nevermind.  That won't change but still, you understand.  What I'll miss most of all is being home with my kids.  So as happy and I am to start getting paid again, I would gladly trade it all in to be able to hang out with Brady and Addy all day. 

Next summer will be different.  The kids will be older, Carly and I will be older and my "summer beard" will be a little more gray (probably).  It won't be the same but I hope it's as perfect as this summer was...

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


It's getting close to the end of summer now for sure...  It's also getting real because we went to daycare this morning and talked about Adelynn's schedule and everything for when she goes next week.  Sigh.  Oh well, I know it will be great for both of them, it'll be me and mommy who sit around and cry.  Here's some of the most recent happenings...

Happy Addy

Brady wanted to try...

This is what life with kids makes your house look like...


When the Orioles are on, we practice.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Ugh, it's now MID August...

That means that I'm 32.  What?  I have no idea how that happened but whatever.  The more important thing is that I only have a little over a week of summer break left.  Just like always, the summer has FLOWN by.  This summer though, there were two little people at home with me.  It has been difficult at times for sure but I've had so much fun watch Brady and Adelynn interact with each other.  Brady constantly makes her laugh and he loves her so much, even if he does only hold her for 8 seconds at a time.  I get it, he's a man.

We've done so much, let's try to get caught up after our staycation...

Addy playing in her new (old) toy and Brady cheesing beside her

Sibling Love

We also took our, what is becoming and annual, trip to the zoo.

Brady was a "little" scared of the birds?.?.?.? Really?

Brady, Nana and a Wallaby

Baby Monkey

Brady and the Sun Bears

Feeding the deer

Addy and a goat or sheep or something...  She's thrilled

Successful zoo trip!
And now, for your random picture of Addy...

This is my 32nd birthday present from Brady. 

This is what having an older brother looks like...

Adelynn wore her birthday cake dress for my birthday...

Brady and Addy in the worlds biggest cart from Target.

 Even at 7:00 am, our boy is ready to play some baseball.

So as you can see, we've been busy around here.  We're so lucky...

Monday, August 3, 2015

Ugh, it's August

That means that in just 3 short weeks, I will be back at work.  I love work, I really do.  It's just hard knowing that I won't get to see the kids all day everyday soon.  It has been a great summer. 

Now for a little catching up...

Last weekend, we went to Granna and Pops house.  Of course we had a great time like we always do! 
My girls got some leg strength

What is that?

Granna gave Brady a Horse Ride...

Then Brady gave Addy a Horse Ride (with Mommy help of course...)

After we got home from Granna and Pops house, it was time for Staycation 2015.  We decided that it would be ridiculously hard to throw a vacation together at the last minute with a 3 year old and a 4 month old so we decided to stay home.  It was great.  Mommy took off work and stayed at home with us all week!  We did all kinds of stuff.  We went to the beach and the pool a few times but just relaxing as a family was what I enjoyed the most.  We went out to dinner a few times too! 

Date Night (with the kids in the backseat...)

"I love you Mommy" - Brady

Brady helping me carry NOTHING to the beach

Got to fish before we swim

And Adelynn is OUT

No fish for me

Daddy Shark

Brady and Mommy at Outback

At dinnner

Dancing to the live band

Brady's picture that he took of me that he titled, "Daddy drinking Beer."

We are so lucky and it was great to just be together for a week.  Mommy went back to work today and we sure do wish it was Staycation 2015, week 2... 

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Addy is moving!

Here comes (goes) trouble...

Brady be fishing (in Nana's front yard) (with a rag tied onto his line)

Brady is learning to cast...

My man!

The smiles keep coming!

I can say for 100% sure that nothing in the world feels better then looking in your childs face and seeing them smile and laugh.  There have been plenty smiles and laughs here this summer.  That means that I am a happy man!  Brady is doing great with his letters and words and Adelynn is going to be driving soon at the rate she is going...

Brady loves her so much!

Addy taking her practice swings at Nana's house

Making Addy laugh

I don't even know what to say...
I told you.  We are so lucky!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Half way point...

It's hard to believe that summer is half way over for me...  I'm having so much fun with the kids that I'm thinking of doing this full time.  Well, no I'm not but I have been having a great time.  Brady is getting so smart and I guess me being a teacher is paying off because he is learning to write his letters and even know some sight words (teacher lingo).  He looks like a teenager though! 

He got a little crazy in Howard County though and I had to lay down the law...

Addy is constantly laughing and she just loves her play-mat.  It's scary how much she looks like Brady!!!  I guess they should though right?  They are related...

I am so lucky to be able to spend so much time with them in the summer.  Just another perk of my job.  As much fun as I have with them during the week, our favorite time is when we are all together!

You can only see her a little bit, but Adelynn is in there too!

Here's to making the most out of the 2nd half of summer and more times like this...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Brady Baugher, the country music legend

Daddy Daycare Update

We're going strong over here at Daddy Daycare.  Kids are thriving and I'm still moving around so it's all good.  We had the opportunity to go to The Owen's house for the 3rd of July and then to Carly's parents for the weekend.  As usual, I took a ton of pictures and as usual, I'm going to post them on here for everyone to see how wonderful our children are!  I know, I'm bias but who cares.  This is my blog...

Our walk ended up by the lake.

My man at the carnival with Nana

Riding the waves!

Sibling Love

Carly and Addy getting ready for the fireworks

Brady with his first sparkler...

Family Shot

Adelynn's first fireworks

Brady being cool on the way to see Granna and Pops

Off to feed the horses
 Today I tried to throw away some t-shirts but lets be serious, how can I throw them away when they are this cool???