The Baugher Family

The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Daddy Daycare Update

We're going strong over here at Daddy Daycare.  Kids are thriving and I'm still moving around so it's all good.  We had the opportunity to go to The Owen's house for the 3rd of July and then to Carly's parents for the weekend.  As usual, I took a ton of pictures and as usual, I'm going to post them on here for everyone to see how wonderful our children are!  I know, I'm bias but who cares.  This is my blog...

Our walk ended up by the lake.

My man at the carnival with Nana

Riding the waves!

Sibling Love

Carly and Addy getting ready for the fireworks

Brady with his first sparkler...

Family Shot

Adelynn's first fireworks

Brady being cool on the way to see Granna and Pops

Off to feed the horses
 Today I tried to throw away some t-shirts but lets be serious, how can I throw them away when they are this cool???

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