The Baugher Family

The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Half way point...

It's hard to believe that summer is half way over for me...  I'm having so much fun with the kids that I'm thinking of doing this full time.  Well, no I'm not but I have been having a great time.  Brady is getting so smart and I guess me being a teacher is paying off because he is learning to write his letters and even know some sight words (teacher lingo).  He looks like a teenager though! 

He got a little crazy in Howard County though and I had to lay down the law...

Addy is constantly laughing and she just loves her play-mat.  It's scary how much she looks like Brady!!!  I guess they should though right?  They are related...

I am so lucky to be able to spend so much time with them in the summer.  Just another perk of my job.  As much fun as I have with them during the week, our favorite time is when we are all together!

You can only see her a little bit, but Adelynn is in there too!

Here's to making the most out of the 2nd half of summer and more times like this...

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