The Baugher Family

The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Beginning of summer update!

Well, I've only technically been off work for a couple days and this is post number 2 already!  Hurray for me!

A couple of weeks ago, all of the daycare kids had a night out at Chuck E. Cheese's.  Nana even met us there.  It was pretty awesome.  Brady and Addy has already been there more than I have in my life, that's one time.  When we pulled up, Brady started saying how "Beautiful" the walls were.  Then when we went in, he freaked out.  He literally just ran around in circles for about two hours...  It was pretty awesome.  He even had time to ride a couple of rides with his little sister!

Look at that Brady!
That's amazing!

And now I present the many faces of Addy...



That pretty much sums up my EVERYDAY.  Gotta think on your feet because you never know just which one you're gonna get!

Brady and I met Nana and went to a carnival.  Judging by the pictures, Brady didn't have too much fun.

Brady likes carnivals...

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