The Baugher Family

The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family

Friday, January 22, 2016

I'm horrible at this...

There, I said it.  But it's kinda hard to keep up a blog when you have two kids and a full time job!  Lay off...

OK, I'm done whining.  The reality of it all is that life is good.  The kids are growing and getting smarter everyday and it's so great to see.  Brady and Addy bring us so much joy it almost hurts.  Still, that's not much of an excuse for someone who is trying to make a blog for his kids to look at one day and make fun of Dad.  I gotta do a better job.

Updates (even though I won't even come close to everything that's going on)...

  • Brady is signed up for T-BALL (and I'm signed up to "help" coach).  As parents of a little boy, needless to say we're rather excited!  He's been practicing as much as he can when it below freezing outside and he is SUPER excited.  I doubt as much as mommy and I though... 

  • Addy has been up to some things! 

Yeah.  That is happening...

We're supposed to get something like 14 feet of snow over the next couple of days so maybe I'll have some time to get back on here and document some kids playing in the snow...  

Until then, enjoy some more random pictures from the past few months.

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