The Baugher Family

The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Holiday Weekend

We were all together for the four day weekend (that working folks had that is)... We went on a BIG walk and just hung out. It was awesome! He are some of the latest pictures.

Mommy Brady and Camden walking by the lake.

A little view of the beach

Getting ready the fireworks... We thought.

Hanging out in the parking lot with Pappy and Nana.

Then on the 5th, me and dad went fishing. When we were done Brady sat in the boat. As you can tell he LOVED it.

Just kidding...

Being lazy watching Sesame Street.

And then Brady got a small gift from his grandparents. I think he was excited...

Got his name on and he is ready to go!

Getting big...

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