The Baugher Family

The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's (almost) summer time!

That right folks, I have an astounding 5.5 days of school left.  This means fishing, painting, giving baseball lessons, coaching (hopefully), being hot, sweating and hanging out with Camden.  As you can see, he is excited to hang out with daddy as well...

I can tell he's ready to hang out by the crate door being open and him refusing to come out of it.  What a wild animal!  He also looks very happy for me to be home from school.  Nice guy.

Anyway, school winding down continues with Field Day tomorrow.  The children are excited and so am I.  They are excited because they get to play for like two hours and I am excited because I will have 4.5 days left of school after Field Day.  All joking aside, I really do look forward to coming up with cool stuff for the kids to do.  This year, don't tell the kids, we will have 3 inflatables!  A bungee run, a basketball something and "The BIG Kahuna".  Weeeeeeee!  The Big Kahuna is a water slide and the kids get SOAKING WET.  Better bring your change of clothes...  At the end of Field Day, the kids will play the step back game with water balloons.  They will scream and probably try to fight when their partner drops the balloon.  Field Day is awesome!  I loved it as a kid and now i love it as a balding kid.  I never would have thought that when I would grow up, I would be running field day.  Now look at me, I'm the Boss.  (lonely island reference) 

Summer is fun.  I want to grow my hair out all summer. I know that that's kinda random but I think it would awesome to rock the "middle part" one last time before all this beautiful hair is gone.  OK, I'm putting random stuff up here now so it's time to go.  Until next time, take care of yourself and each other.  (Jerry Springer reference...  awesome)

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