A blog that takes you deep into the lives of The Baugher family! Established 2009
The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family
Monday, May 30, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
It's (almost) summer time!
That right folks, I have an astounding 5.5 days of school left. This means fishing, painting, giving baseball lessons, coaching (hopefully), being hot, sweating and hanging out with Camden. As you can see, he is excited to hang out with daddy as well...
I can tell he's ready to hang out by the crate door being open and him refusing to come out of it. What a wild animal! He also looks very happy for me to be home from school. Nice guy.
Anyway, school winding down continues with Field Day tomorrow. The children are excited and so am I. They are excited because they get to play for like two hours and I am excited because I will have 4.5 days left of school after Field Day. All joking aside, I really do look forward to coming up with cool stuff for the kids to do. This year, don't tell the kids, we will have 3 inflatables! A bungee run, a basketball something and "The BIG Kahuna". Weeeeeeee! The Big Kahuna is a water slide and the kids get SOAKING WET. Better bring your change of clothes... At the end of Field Day, the kids will play the step back game with water balloons. They will scream and probably try to fight when their partner drops the balloon. Field Day is awesome! I loved it as a kid and now i love it as a balding kid. I never would have thought that when I would grow up, I would be running field day. Now look at me, I'm the Boss. (lonely island reference)
Summer is fun. I want to grow my hair out all summer. I know that that's kinda random but I think it would awesome to rock the "middle part" one last time before all this beautiful hair is gone. OK, I'm putting random stuff up here now so it's time to go. Until next time, take care of yourself and each other. (Jerry Springer reference... awesome)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
baseball things
Well, sort of. There is no better feeling than when the team that you follow, coach or play for is competitive. That said, it hurts your heart when the team that you follow, coach or play for blows. This is the case with me.
Everyone knows that I follow the Orioles. They blow. Camden Yards might be cursed because there is no reason that with the line up we have, we can not hit. I know that the pitching is young but for the most part (minus Brad Bergesen) they have done a great job. Maybe not great but good enough. Every year I run my mouth saying "this is the year" or "if we can be 500, that is a step" and by June I give up. I really think I love college football so much (Go Blue) because the O's have sucked since I was 10.
My Little League team, Oriole quality. I have not been able to do anything that I wanted to with the guys because I'm not the "head coach". I'm not saying that they would have been any better under me but I want a shot. I believe that we finish in second place (the league has 3 teams) as long as we don't get beat by 9 runs or more. I don't even care. There are 9 players on our team since 2 have quit. One will not get there until 5 minutes after game time EVERY GAME so we have to start with 8. The last two games I have sat in the dugout on a chair and didn't say a word. Would it be bad if I cried in front of the kids? I've kinda felt like it for 3 weeks...
The last time I was involved with a winner was in college when I played for the good ol' Bobcats. Frostburg was good when I was there and they are doing even better now. They were ranked in the region this year and won the conference, first year in it I believe. Suck it Salisbury. Must be because they stopped partying in Frostburg... right. I miss college. I miss playing baseball. I miss good baseball.
Everyone knows that I follow the Orioles. They blow. Camden Yards might be cursed because there is no reason that with the line up we have, we can not hit. I know that the pitching is young but for the most part (minus Brad Bergesen) they have done a great job. Maybe not great but good enough. Every year I run my mouth saying "this is the year" or "if we can be 500, that is a step" and by June I give up. I really think I love college football so much (Go Blue) because the O's have sucked since I was 10.
My Little League team, Oriole quality. I have not been able to do anything that I wanted to with the guys because I'm not the "head coach". I'm not saying that they would have been any better under me but I want a shot. I believe that we finish in second place (the league has 3 teams) as long as we don't get beat by 9 runs or more. I don't even care. There are 9 players on our team since 2 have quit. One will not get there until 5 minutes after game time EVERY GAME so we have to start with 8. The last two games I have sat in the dugout on a chair and didn't say a word. Would it be bad if I cried in front of the kids? I've kinda felt like it for 3 weeks...
The last time I was involved with a winner was in college when I played for the good ol' Bobcats. Frostburg was good when I was there and they are doing even better now. They were ranked in the region this year and won the conference, first year in it I believe. Suck it Salisbury. Must be because they stopped partying in Frostburg... right. I miss college. I miss playing baseball. I miss good baseball.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Before I get started just wanted to give a shot out to all the normal people out there that work 12 months a year. WUD UP. I have only 11 days left of work until the end of August. I know, how horrible. These 11 days can not go by fast enough. Elementary school children, at this time of year, yikes. I am in the process of taking their Field Day away. Already got 3. 2 first graders and 1 fifth grader. There will be more, this I promise you. One of the first graders chose to hit a girl for getting the health question wrong. For this, mean Mr. Baugher snached his Field Day. He apparently was not happy due to the screaming and fake tears that followed. In October I would have felt bad about it. In May, tough shit. Pardon me but I care zero percent right now... I think the 5th grader got it taken away for looking at me or something like that. I don't care.
Let's talk baseball. I have refused to attend practice due to the fact that only 2 people show up EVERY TIME. Who needs practice when your 35 games under 500 anyway? I was told that if I could not be there last Monday, the other guys mother would run practice... This made me smile, cry and also become very angry. I just do not understand apparently. ANYTHING. I have one more game. Perhaps I can rally the troops and we can have a moment like this...
It will probally be like this...
whatever... one game left.
I just bought the new Lonely Island CD and it has made this part of the year easier. If you don't know what I am talking about, your missing out... I think. It is hilarious. This is just a little taste of the CD that might not come out of the truck for a year.
Till next time
Let's talk baseball. I have refused to attend practice due to the fact that only 2 people show up EVERY TIME. Who needs practice when your 35 games under 500 anyway? I was told that if I could not be there last Monday, the other guys mother would run practice... This made me smile, cry and also become very angry. I just do not understand apparently. ANYTHING. I have one more game. Perhaps I can rally the troops and we can have a moment like this...
It will probally be like this...
whatever... one game left.
I just bought the new Lonely Island CD and it has made this part of the year easier. If you don't know what I am talking about, your missing out... I think. It is hilarious. This is just a little taste of the CD that might not come out of the truck for a year.
Till next time
Sunday, May 8, 2011
In honor of Mother's Day...
I would like to present the greatest Youtube video in the history of Youtube...
Friday, May 6, 2011
Teacher Appreciation
Yikes. First of all, to all my teachers out there, Happy Teacher Appreciation Week. I'm not sure about yours, my week however felt 0% different from any other week. I did only write one referral so maybe the kids laid off of me this week... Maybe I'm getting soft. That being said, I did receive a card and a notepad as a gift. Go me. Not quite sure what a PE Teacher needs a notepad with apples around it for but it's the thought that counts.
This weekend is special because Mothers Day is Sunday. I got my mommy flowers and I think she loved them. I hope you did or are doing something nice for your mom. God bless my mom. I can only imagine what it was like being in a house with 3 men (boys) for all of those years. Mom do this, Mom do that and we never (OK rarely) heard a groan or anything. As we got older, she did get a lot of free time with all the hunting and fishing trips so I guess we're even... kidding mom. Thank you for everything that you have ever done and will continue to do and Happy Mother's Day to all the mommas out there.
Now enjoy this...
This weekend is special because Mothers Day is Sunday. I got my mommy flowers and I think she loved them. I hope you did or are doing something nice for your mom. God bless my mom. I can only imagine what it was like being in a house with 3 men (boys) for all of those years. Mom do this, Mom do that and we never (OK rarely) heard a groan or anything. As we got older, she did get a lot of free time with all the hunting and fishing trips so I guess we're even... kidding mom. Thank you for everything that you have ever done and will continue to do and Happy Mother's Day to all the mommas out there.
Now enjoy this...
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Ok, I admit it...
I'm getting old. It all started this weekend when we were at the beach. I know that I complained about my feet hurting from running on the sand, but I'm serious they really hurt. To top of having the bottoms of my feet be sore, enter Monday evening. In all of my years of playing sports, it takes being 27 and playing slow pitch softball for the "injuries" to come. I came this close to blowing out my groin on Monday night. Maybe it's because it was cold (62 degrees) or maybe I didn't get loose enough (I stretched for about 20 minutes straight before the game), whatever it was it was pretty painful. I attempted to play second base and almost fell over when I went to move after the pitch. (For those of you that don't know, you are supposed to MOVE on every pitch... SOMEWHERE! Even if it is 2 steps in. BE READY TO MAKE THE PLAY! It's ok if you don't understand, neither does my baseball team and I tell them about 20 times a game.) Luckily I believe it was only a strain. If I would have pulled it, and if you know me you know this is true, there is about a 50% chance that I would have cried right their on the field. Thank God that everyone didn't have to experience that.
In other semi-important news, Bin Laden is dead! After almost 10 years, we got him. God Bless all of the soldiers that have fought for this day to come for a while. Thank you to my cousin who is currently serving this country and to all of my friends that have served in the past and the ones still currently serving, you make this country great. Thank you. I'll never forget 9-11. I'll never forget where I was that morning. I can remember vividly sitting in the quad of Frederick Hall and watching the news all day. I can remember trying to call my family and not being able to make a call. The terror that that man has put into this great country will hopefully begin to go away. It won't go away over night, but hopefully things will begin to get better. I won't go on and on here because everyone knows the significance of what has happened and I'm just a PE teacher, I know less than you do probably. We got our man though. Everyone that has been yelling about the war, we got our man. Before I go, watch and never forget...
Have You Forgotten?
In other semi-important news, Bin Laden is dead! After almost 10 years, we got him. God Bless all of the soldiers that have fought for this day to come for a while. Thank you to my cousin who is currently serving this country and to all of my friends that have served in the past and the ones still currently serving, you make this country great. Thank you. I'll never forget 9-11. I'll never forget where I was that morning. I can remember vividly sitting in the quad of Frederick Hall and watching the news all day. I can remember trying to call my family and not being able to make a call. The terror that that man has put into this great country will hopefully begin to go away. It won't go away over night, but hopefully things will begin to get better. I won't go on and on here because everyone knows the significance of what has happened and I'm just a PE teacher, I know less than you do probably. We got our man though. Everyone that has been yelling about the war, we got our man. Before I go, watch and never forget...
Have You Forgotten?
Sunday, May 1, 2011
weekend fun
Well, the weekend is half over. We had another game Saturday and lost another game Saturday. Frustrating. Not going to complain about it anymore.
After the game, Carly and I went to Surfside Beach with Nate, Kate, Stella and Kirk. A fun time was had by all. I felt like I was doing something really wrong because in Surfside, you can drive on the beach. I know, rebel. Stella loved the water. I however was mistaken for a beached whale when I approached the water so I did not enter the gulf totally. Kidding, it was cold and windy and I didn't want to get soaking wet. Instead of swimming, I watched as Nate and Kirk were attempting to "dive bomb" pelicans with Nate's kite. They were unsuccessful and eventually the guys switched to football. In a Big Ten juggernaut of a game, Michigan (me) was upset by a much sweater vest-ier Ohio State (Kirk) team. 28-21. Today, my feet feel as though I was playing on broken glass.
In other beach news, we ate brats and dogs for lunch. We didn't have any condiments so I found some in the glove box of my truck. Yeah, they were old but it doesn't matter right? Wrong. Very wrong. The ketchup that I used was from Hardee's. Good, except for the fact that there are no Hardee's in TX. This pack of ketchup had to be from when I still lived in MD. This would make the ketchup about 4 years old... I should have gotten the hint when the ketchup came out and it was brown. I decided that it was "no big deal" and that it had gotten "better with age". Ketchup does NOT get better with age. I felt ok until around 9 when I began to drip sweat off my head and be freezing cold at the same time. Carly got a box fan from the garage and I wore my Snuggie and went to sleep on the couch. I must have gotten over the brown ketchup sickness because today I feel almost at full strength. Learn from me people, do not eat brown ketchup.
After the game, Carly and I went to Surfside Beach with Nate, Kate, Stella and Kirk. A fun time was had by all. I felt like I was doing something really wrong because in Surfside, you can drive on the beach. I know, rebel. Stella loved the water. I however was mistaken for a beached whale when I approached the water so I did not enter the gulf totally. Kidding, it was cold and windy and I didn't want to get soaking wet. Instead of swimming, I watched as Nate and Kirk were attempting to "dive bomb" pelicans with Nate's kite. They were unsuccessful and eventually the guys switched to football. In a Big Ten juggernaut of a game, Michigan (me) was upset by a much sweater vest-ier Ohio State (Kirk) team. 28-21. Today, my feet feel as though I was playing on broken glass.
In other beach news, we ate brats and dogs for lunch. We didn't have any condiments so I found some in the glove box of my truck. Yeah, they were old but it doesn't matter right? Wrong. Very wrong. The ketchup that I used was from Hardee's. Good, except for the fact that there are no Hardee's in TX. This pack of ketchup had to be from when I still lived in MD. This would make the ketchup about 4 years old... I should have gotten the hint when the ketchup came out and it was brown. I decided that it was "no big deal" and that it had gotten "better with age". Ketchup does NOT get better with age. I felt ok until around 9 when I began to drip sweat off my head and be freezing cold at the same time. Carly got a box fan from the garage and I wore my Snuggie and went to sleep on the couch. I must have gotten over the brown ketchup sickness because today I feel almost at full strength. Learn from me people, do not eat brown ketchup.
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