That's right. I've been off school for two days and this is my second post. BOOM. Kids nap time = daddy blog time apparently...
So let me stay by saying on the first day off from school, Brady randomly tied both of his shoes AND lost his first tooth! The excitement can't keep up, I wouldn't think... He told me to stop pulling on his tooth because it hurt. He didn't know that it was already in my hand.
Told ya |
I really want to take walks everyday this summer. Lucky for me, it hasn't been too hot the past few days. The kids like being outside and it's good exercise for me too. Lord knows that I need all I can get. I guess one of the positive things about daily walks is that we live in a pretty beautiful place so there is always a good photo op. Check out the past two days...
nice shades dude... |
Also, why does Addy look like she is 16 years old...
The following picture is Addy putting her arm around her brother because she loves him so much.
Then, when he realizes what's going on, he's outta there!
It's gonna be fun this summer!!!