The Baugher Family

The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family

Monday, December 30, 2013

The missing closer...

I found the next closer for the Orioles...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Holidays 2013

The holidays have come and gone and we are so grateful for all of the family time that we are able to have now.  Here is a quick overview of what our crazy busy holidays looked like, in pictures...

Toy Story and Sophie

Sky and Brady

Mommy cutting Thanksgiving Dinner

Preparing to play in the snow for the first time

Mommy and Brady in the snow

Brady and Granna's Elmo Ornament

He said he was leaving, bye bye

Brady and Willa watching the train

No Tears.  2 for 2

Moo flashlight

His new ride

(L to R) Brady, Nana, Willa, Pappy

Little Drummer Boy

Wearing Daddy's Hat

Elmo, Bike, Brady and Camden

And now some videos...

See ya 2013...