The Baugher Family

The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family

Thursday, June 20, 2013



Well, we were worried about the plane with Brady.  Other than practicing his 40 yard dash time in the airport before we left, he was perfect.  Didn't cry one time on the plane.  Thank you Brady... 

Orlando was great and the Riley's were great hosts.  We even got to see Granna and Pops!  Everyone had a great time.  Brady got to play with his cousins and all of the kids were great!  Brady had a bunch of tea parties with the girls!  Here are some of the pictures from the trip...

Carnival Video and Little Drummer Boy

Watch the man pick up ducks like a pro!

Told ya.  He also enjoys marching with Pappy while playing the drums...

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Carnival time

Well Pappy and Nana won and Brady got to go to the carnival this year. He picked up some ducks, rode on the merry go round and ate some French Fries. Then, when we got home he slept like a rock... 

Brady's prizes from the carnival...

I got videos too. They are on the way!

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Yeah, so Brady is 15 months old and I'm pretty sure he is as smart if not smarter then Dad already...  I found a turtle outside and Carly and Brady came out to see it.  We told him what it was and that's all that he needed to start communicating with our small friend.


Then he showed everyone how cool he was!

Our little dude.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Summer time

It's almost summer time! Really, I just wanted everyone to know that school is almost over for me. 

Also I will be able to post on here a little more frequently. That means tons more pictures of the main man Brady. 

Here are a few recent additions to the photo library. Enjoy!
Eating pizza, laughing
Hanging out at the walk with the Owens Family.
Goldfish overdose
Sitting down to eat.
Pulling my sock off!
Reading on a Saturday morning.

Grow grow grow...