The Baugher Family

The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family

Monday, December 30, 2013

The missing closer...

I found the next closer for the Orioles...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Holidays 2013

The holidays have come and gone and we are so grateful for all of the family time that we are able to have now.  Here is a quick overview of what our crazy busy holidays looked like, in pictures...

Toy Story and Sophie

Sky and Brady

Mommy cutting Thanksgiving Dinner

Preparing to play in the snow for the first time

Mommy and Brady in the snow

Brady and Granna's Elmo Ornament

He said he was leaving, bye bye

Brady and Willa watching the train

No Tears.  2 for 2

Moo flashlight

His new ride

(L to R) Brady, Nana, Willa, Pappy

Little Drummer Boy

Wearing Daddy's Hat

Elmo, Bike, Brady and Camden

And now some videos...

See ya 2013... 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Halloween Update

Well, Halloween is over.  I'm putting the pictures up and I'm only a few weeks late.  Not to bad...  Pops and Granna came up for the weekend before and we got Brady's awesome costume and carved some pumpkins!

Super Excited

Let's do this Pops and Granna

Dig In!

Mine no mine...

Daddy Horse

Giddy Up DaDa
Practicing his roar
Attempting a family photo

Family Photo Fail

Best Pumpkin Around

The Lion (Brady) went trick or treating for the first time this year and did great!  We weren't out long but he went out to get me some candy while we took turns pulling him door to door in his wagon.  He knocked on the doors, roared at everyone and even tried to give some of his candy to a couple little girls (charmer) that were a little too small to go out.  We were so proud of our little guy!


Not sure yet...

This isn't bad

Proud Mommy

Thank You!

Thanks for coming down Nanna and Pappy!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I am very bad at keeping this up to date when I am back to work...  That said, pictures of Brady are better late than never right???

Anyway, he is doing so much now.  He shares his bottle with Elmo every night and puts him to bed. 

He also is saying animal sounds and it is awesome, funny and pretty darn cute.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer is OVER!

Well, technically not yet I guess...  Daddy Day Care will be ending this coming Friday.  For the first time since I've been working, I am not ready to go back to work.  It's amazing how I can have 30 kids in my class and it hasn't been as tiring as it has with just Brady.  It really has been so much fun though.  I will never forget our summers together.  Brady and I have gotten so close, there just might be a few tears (from me) when I have to go back to work Monday.  I'm sad that I won't be able to send Carly random pictures and updates throughout the day but we both know that he will be so happy to go and make new friends at daycare!  OK, I'll attempt to put some of the hundreds of pictures that I've gotten of the man on here...
Hanging with Mommy after work

Our little Cowboy

Acting like a monkey at the zoo

He had so much fun on his zoo trip with Nana

8-12 everyday.  Watching Country Music

He went potty like a big boy a few times!

Showing off his new smile

Carroll Creek with Mom

Dinner when Brittany came to visit!

Really? Another picture Dad?

Saw the fish at Bass Pro Shop

Got a picture taken in Florida with his cousins The Riley Girls

O's game with Granna and Pops

O's game with Dad

He needs a little coaching...

Loving Scout

Just a happy boy

So sad to see this summer end...