Well, Brady is 5 days in and still has not had a pacifier. The first 2 nights = scary. The last 3 nights = not quite as scary. He is doing so good. I know he wants it really bad but I also know that he'll get over it. Proud daddy moment! He is finding other things to shove in there, as you can see... He's the man!
A blog that takes you deep into the lives of The Baugher family! Established 2009
The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family
Monday, November 26, 2012
Saturday, November 24, 2012
That game didn't go according to plan. Can't win when you turn the ball over 4 times. Moving on...
Friday, November 23, 2012
Beat Ohio
Tomorrow at 12:00, Michigan plays Ohio. Tomorrow at 4:00, Ohio will have 1 loss.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Gobble Gobble
Well, leg one of Thanksgiving is down and we're on the way to Carly's parents. Just left my Mom and Dad's house. Sad to go but we had a great time. Linda, Lewis and Jeff came over too. Brady was hardly messed with at all... It was Brady's first Thanksgiving and he got to eat a little grown up food too! He was a big green bean fan. Everything else, the verdict is still out. We are so blessed and thankful that we got to spend Thanksgiving this year with our families for the first time in a long time. I hope everyone takes a second today and gives thanks for everything that they have. I know I did! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Midas touch. I'm getting the oil changed. That's it. Nothing exciting... Unless oil changes excite you. If so, you're weird.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
What's new
Well, we didn't get anything yesterday. Between me and Brian we saw about 12 though. That's hunting I guess...
In house related news, Carly and I went down to check on the house Friday evening. Mom and Brady came too. We were really happy when we got there. The stones were there and ready to go up! All of the cabinets were in as well as the tile in the kitchen, bathrooms, pantry and laundry room! Pretty cool. It won't be long till we're in there... Hopefully!
In house related news, Carly and I went down to check on the house Friday evening. Mom and Brady came too. We were really happy when we got there. The stones were there and ready to go up! All of the cabinets were in as well as the tile in the kitchen, bathrooms, pantry and laundry room! Pretty cool. It won't be long till we're in there... Hopefully!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Just checking in 15 feet above the ground in a tree... Crazy really when you think about it. No deer yet for me. Saw 3 squirrels though. Well, gotta go hunt. Until next time...
Friday, November 16, 2012
Doe days
Well, tomorrow Brian and I are hitting the woods. Its open season for Brian but I am in search of a deer with no horns. In a perfect world, brian gets his buck tomorrow. I already got a buck with my bow so I have to shoot 2 does now before I can shoot another Buck. Poor me. I'm hittin the bed so I'll be ready. The Baugher boys are coming for ya tomorrow deer!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
No one told me...
That it is really hard once a baby starts moving... Tonight Brady crawled to Carly's purse and then chose to take everything he could get his hands on out of Carly's purse... I know, sounds funny. It wasn't. Especially when he got so excited that he puked on Carly's phone. Sounds funny now right? Still wasn't. At the end of the day, I still love that little monster more than anything in the entire world. Well, except for his mommy!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
And he's off...
You can literally act like a horse racing announcer with Brady at this point. If you take your hands off of him, he is gone! It is hilarious. Tonight we had our first reach for a electrical plug... Maybe we can have the builders baby proof the house because he is on the move big time. He also seems to really want to taste Daisy's dog food because that's where he ends up 90% of the time... I might let him try it if mommy isn't home. I'm kidding... Ok, he's a recent picture of our guy. Till next time!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Family Pictures
We came down to Carly's parents house yesterday to relax for the weekend and to pick up our pictures that we got taken down here a couple weeks ago. I know I may be a tad coincided in saying this, but the best pictures I have ever seen, Hands Down! The pictures really got me thinking just how happy I am and how blessed we have been this past year. I love my little family so much!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
So, Brady is mobile now. He has decided to crawl and stand when he wants to which is most of the time. Stay tuned for videos of destruction...
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Another update!
Well, I got the Blogger app on my phone so be prepared to be overwhelmed with all of the info on our lives. Brady is getting so big. He is literally going to crawl any day now! He gets up on his hands and knees, rocks back and forth, laughs and lays back down. This little boy is so funny! He laughs at everything. Brady has brought so much joy into our lives that I almost can't believe it. I had no idea how happy a child could make you before we had Brady. I do now. I can not wait for the next little smile or laugh. The cries don't even bother me because I just want to work as hard as I can to make them stop. Here are a couple pictures of our little man! Enjoy!!!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Updates everywhere!!!
Well, life has happened in the past 5 months. I promise that I will attempt to do better with the blog. Ok, I'm lying. I'll try to post when I remember though, how's that? SO much has happened in our lives recently. I really don't even know where to start. Here's a quick rundown...
1. Carly got a job in Maryland
2. I was lucky enough to also get a job in Maryland.
3. We moved back home to Maryland.
4. We bought a house that is being built.
5. We should be moving in in the next month...
That is a VERY brief update with me only leaving between 10 and 90 percent of our lives. I will put up pictures of random things as soon as I have a minute to breath. Who knows when that will be though... Here is a picture of our house a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy!
1. Carly got a job in Maryland
2. I was lucky enough to also get a job in Maryland.
3. We moved back home to Maryland.
4. We bought a house that is being built.
5. We should be moving in in the next month...
That is a VERY brief update with me only leaving between 10 and 90 percent of our lives. I will put up pictures of random things as soon as I have a minute to breath. Who knows when that will be though... Here is a picture of our house a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy!
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