What??? Is this really happening??? I'll believe it when I see it. A cold front was supposed to come in today around lunch. Big surprise, not here yet. I know that weathermen in general aren't right very often but I think Houston is where they all go when they get fired. I'm not even lying. Although, for the past 7 months I could have been just as accurate as the weatherman. Let me show you. Hot, Humid, Sunny 98-103. No wind. Rain... You're an idiot if you think it might rain. See... right on the money!
In other, a lot more important news, Carly and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on Monday. (and Boom Goes the Dynamite) I know that everyone says marriage is hard but I'd be lying if I told you that mine is. (Warning - gonna get a little "sappy" here for a second) I think when you're married to your best friend, marriage isn't hard at all. Carly and I have been best friends for sooooo long that marriage honestly seems no different. Only thing is, now her last name is as awesome as mine! OK, I'm done.
I went hunting all day last Saturday and, drum roll please............... NOTHING. At least last time I saw a coyote. This time, a few birds. No squirrels, No deer, No pigs, No rabbits. That's OK. Kinda... I did (with the help of my buddy) hang a tree stand though in a spot where it appears that deer will ask me to shoot them EVERY TIME that I'm there. I guess we'll see. Next time I hunt it, I'll have my rifle so seriously, no more playing around...
I'll close with the following. Michigan will bounce back from the Michigan State joke to win at least 8 games this year and The Texans are a playoff team. That's right, Chris Baugher is back on the Houston Texan Bandwagon.
A blog that takes you deep into the lives of The Baugher family! Established 2009
The Baugher Family
The Baugher Family
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
What a week this past week was...
For beginners, I only had to work 4.5 days this week because on Wednesday, the little children had an early dismissal day. I still had to do training things that didn't apply to me, the P.E. teacher, however school isn't that bad of a place to be when no kids are there...
The best thing happened on Thursday night though. Carly and I had just eaten some pretty spicy jambalaya for dinner and were sitting on the couch complaining of how we couldn't move when she said that the baby was going crazy! We didn't think I would be able to feel it but we tried anyway... We were wrong! On Thursday night I felt my baby move for the first time!!! I was definitely scared/like "wow" about the whole thing but it was something that I will never forget my whole life. Carly has been so great through everything. There have only been a couple times where I have had to look at her and say ,"What..." Kidding. She hasn't really complained about anything other than me which is awesome. (I'm sure that I deserve some complaining about). I think this weekend we are going to head out and do the "registering for baby" thing. I am super excited for this! I don't know if I'm changing (I'm sure I am) or I have always been a little "childish" (I'm sure I have) but baby stuff is AWESOME. 1- Babies get SO much stuff! If I could have as many toys as a baby that would be amazing. 2- Babies have literally EVERYTHING. If they get bored playing with one toy, they can roll over 4 feet and play with another one that is just as fun however TOTALLY different. 3- Babies can get anything they want by crying. Could you imagine how many adults you would see crying if this were true at any age? To test this theory, I'm thinking of trying it out next week at school when I'm told to do something that I don't want to. Let's see if adults can get away with this too! I encourage you to do the same at work next week. Let me know how that goes...
My truck is still running amazing from my mechanical-genius move that I pulled off last week. FYI, if you're getting horrible gas mileage, clean out your throttle body. I did and I feel like I'm not using hardly any gas... (My gas gauge better be working),
Now on to more important things, Michigan Football! I have 75% given up on the Texans again so I doubt you'll see anything else in here about them... Today, Michigan plays Michigan State. Michigan State's coach is a jerk. He always looks so mad. It's funny to me how he thinks by beating Michigan he has proven that he is awesome... State usually gets owned by someone who sucks really bad. If you beat Michigan (under Rich Rod) and lose to Alabama 49-7 in your bowl game, are you really the man? If you get killed by Notre Dame who Michigan beat (I don't know how, but still beat) are you really the man?
This is a tattoo that a cool guy who plays for Michigan State got on his arm this year. It is of a Spartan stepping on a Wolverine... Pretty original. Where did you ever come up with that idea? Good job man, before you were just an idiot because you play for Michigan State. Now, you're an idiot because you have that stupid looking mess on your arm. On a side note, nice black wife beater. I think those things were cool when I was in school...
State will be wearing really stupid uniforms, this doesn't make you cool. Just remember Michigan State, Mike Hart called you, "Michigan's little brother."
I'm sure I will have to watch the game on mute because ESPN usually does a horrible job of broadcasting football games. I'm going out on a limb but I bet whoever loses, ESPN will talk bad about them and whoever wins, ESPN will say "Watch out Big Ten, __________ is coming for you." Who needs audio to games though? I usually provide PLENTY of my own...
The best thing happened on Thursday night though. Carly and I had just eaten some pretty spicy jambalaya for dinner and were sitting on the couch complaining of how we couldn't move when she said that the baby was going crazy! We didn't think I would be able to feel it but we tried anyway... We were wrong! On Thursday night I felt my baby move for the first time!!! I was definitely scared/like "wow" about the whole thing but it was something that I will never forget my whole life. Carly has been so great through everything. There have only been a couple times where I have had to look at her and say ,"What..." Kidding. She hasn't really complained about anything other than me which is awesome. (I'm sure that I deserve some complaining about). I think this weekend we are going to head out and do the "registering for baby" thing. I am super excited for this! I don't know if I'm changing (I'm sure I am) or I have always been a little "childish" (I'm sure I have) but baby stuff is AWESOME. 1- Babies get SO much stuff! If I could have as many toys as a baby that would be amazing. 2- Babies have literally EVERYTHING. If they get bored playing with one toy, they can roll over 4 feet and play with another one that is just as fun however TOTALLY different. 3- Babies can get anything they want by crying. Could you imagine how many adults you would see crying if this were true at any age? To test this theory, I'm thinking of trying it out next week at school when I'm told to do something that I don't want to. Let's see if adults can get away with this too! I encourage you to do the same at work next week. Let me know how that goes...
My truck is still running amazing from my mechanical-genius move that I pulled off last week. FYI, if you're getting horrible gas mileage, clean out your throttle body. I did and I feel like I'm not using hardly any gas... (My gas gauge better be working),
Now on to more important things, Michigan Football! I have 75% given up on the Texans again so I doubt you'll see anything else in here about them... Today, Michigan plays Michigan State. Michigan State's coach is a jerk. He always looks so mad. It's funny to me how he thinks by beating Michigan he has proven that he is awesome... State usually gets owned by someone who sucks really bad. If you beat Michigan (under Rich Rod) and lose to Alabama 49-7 in your bowl game, are you really the man? If you get killed by Notre Dame who Michigan beat (I don't know how, but still beat) are you really the man?
This is a tattoo that a cool guy who plays for Michigan State got on his arm this year. It is of a Spartan stepping on a Wolverine... Pretty original. Where did you ever come up with that idea? Good job man, before you were just an idiot because you play for Michigan State. Now, you're an idiot because you have that stupid looking mess on your arm. On a side note, nice black wife beater. I think those things were cool when I was in school...
State will be wearing really stupid uniforms, this doesn't make you cool. Just remember Michigan State, Mike Hart called you, "Michigan's little brother."
I'm sure I will have to watch the game on mute because ESPN usually does a horrible job of broadcasting football games. I'm going out on a limb but I bet whoever loses, ESPN will talk bad about them and whoever wins, ESPN will say "Watch out Big Ten, __________ is coming for you." Who needs audio to games though? I usually provide PLENTY of my own...
Saturday, October 8, 2011
updated weekend doings...
I'm taking the weekend off from hunting because some things have to be done around here... For example, Thursday when I walked to my truck after school, I put my key in the ignition and turned and nothing happened. My battery was non-existent... I do not handle adversity very well so naturally I immediately started to panic. I got jumped (my truck got jumped, I did not get beat up) and headed to Wal-Mart. I parked on the wrong side of the store and the man tells me, "Just drive over here and we'll take care of it." I'm happy because this looks like it's going to get fixed. Only problem is, when I walk 3 miles back to my truck to drive it to the other side of super wal-mart, my battery is dead. Who would have though that? Walk all the way back, he gives me jumper cables and says, "Get the security guy to jump you." OK, so I'm starting to get mad... Eventually I get jumped and get a new battery put in. Truck is running great. That is until I get in stop-and-go traffic. My RPM's drop so low my truck stalls... That's right. I'm one of the people who stall in traffic. Be careful what you wish for I suppose. Everything I read seems to think that my (not to sound like a pervert) throttle body needs to be cleaned. Today I will attempt that. I hope I can do this...
It's OK that I'm not hunting cause it's still hot here and I don't feel like sweating all day. Maybe next weekend it will only be 85 and I can hunt again. Also, I only would have been able to hunt in the morning because Michigan plays at 6:00. Yeah, number 12 Michigan (way overrated but still number 12). They play Northwestern and I am nervous and scared as usual. Hopefully they will be OK though...
Also, I would like to take my wife shopping today for baby stuff. I'm really excited about that. Seriously. I'm serious. Regular shopping = not fun. Baby shopping = A BLAST. Carly is going to be such a great mom. If she is anything to the baby like she is to Camden, I'm sure our baby will be pretty spoiled. Our little baby BOY that is!
It's OK that I'm not hunting cause it's still hot here and I don't feel like sweating all day. Maybe next weekend it will only be 85 and I can hunt again. Also, I only would have been able to hunt in the morning because Michigan plays at 6:00. Yeah, number 12 Michigan (way overrated but still number 12). They play Northwestern and I am nervous and scared as usual. Hopefully they will be OK though...
Also, I would like to take my wife shopping today for baby stuff. I'm really excited about that. Seriously. I'm serious. Regular shopping = not fun. Baby shopping = A BLAST. Carly is going to be such a great mom. If she is anything to the baby like she is to Camden, I'm sure our baby will be pretty spoiled. Our little baby BOY that is!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Opening Weekend
First, let me start off by saying Happy Birthday to my Amazing Mother!
Before I get into hunting, I would just like to say MICHIGAN IS 5-0, THE TEXANS JUST CRUSHED THE STEELERS, DALLAS SUCKS AND THE REDSKINS ARE 3-1. Now that that stuff is outta the way...
Last Saturday was the first day of Archery Season in Texas. On Friday after school, we jumped in the truck and headed to the lease. It was a very exciting drive. We were anticipating big things from opening weekend. That said, we couldn't stay in the cabin because it was full. No worries, we would sleep under the pavilion on air mattresses. That plan was spoiled when one of the air mattresses didn't have a cap on it, therefore it would not hold air. No worries, I will sleep on the air mattress and my buddy would sleep in the truck. I only had my snuggie as my blanket which was not a big deal seeing how it was 92 degrees that day. At 4:00 am, I woke up FREEZING. The temperature was in the low 50's. It gets chilly when ya get outside of the city I guess. I stayed up and waited till it was time to go. We rolled out of camp at about 5:00 and headed to our stands. I was up in the air by 5:15 and then I realized, it wasn't going to be light for a while. At around 6:00 the sun started to break though the trees and it was BEAUTIFUL. I was sitting on a trail that looked as though every 5 minutes something walked down it. I was wrong. At about 7:00, I heard something that startled me. Being from the northeast, I had never heard it before. It was a (wait for it...) COYOTE. There were about 6 of them and they howled for an hour. It was a pretty awesome sound. Other highlights from the morning included seeing a HUGE hawk and a vulture circling me for approximately an hour. I'm not going to lie, I was literally waving to him as if to say, "Hey, I'm alive down here!" At around 11:30 we got down and headed to get some lunch. While talking at the cabin, a doe walked about 20 yards from us. Cool... We were back in our stands by 1:30 for the evening hunt. At around 2:15, I saw something coming up the trail. I thought to myself, "This is your chance buddy. Don't mess up." It thought it could have been a hog. I was more than OK with that because after the destruction that they have caused this summer, I wanted to take one out. When it started moving again I realized what it was, it was a coyote. Still OK, coyotes eat baby deer. Time to make this coyote pay for that. It got about 50 yards from me and turned and went into the thicket and I never saw it again. BOO. Let's back up... As I was climbing my tree in the afternoon, I got all the way to the top and dropped my water bottle! That's OK I thought, I'll be fine. Wrong again. At around 4:00, I was so dehydrated that I was trying to spit and nothing was happening. From 4 till dark I was leaning over my treestand just trying to survive. I also proceeded to get sunburned on the left side of my body. It was HOT! I don't know why, but deer were not moving. At dark we got down and headed to the truck and back to Houston, 0 for 1 on the year. Still, it was so great to be able to get after it again and go hunting. Next time, you better watch out deer/hogs/coyotes/hawks/vultures. No more Mr. Nice Guy...
Final Hunting Stats:
Dates Hunting: October 1, 2011
Animals Seen: 1 woodpecker, 1 jackrabbit, 1 hawk, 1 vulture, 1 coyote, 6,035 butterflies and a mosquito as big as my head.
Shots Taken: 0
Game Fatally Injured: 0
Overall Rating of the Weekend (scale 1-10): 10 +. Hunting season is back and I'm doing it in Texas... can't complain!
Before I get into hunting, I would just like to say MICHIGAN IS 5-0, THE TEXANS JUST CRUSHED THE STEELERS, DALLAS SUCKS AND THE REDSKINS ARE 3-1. Now that that stuff is outta the way...
Last Saturday was the first day of Archery Season in Texas. On Friday after school, we jumped in the truck and headed to the lease. It was a very exciting drive. We were anticipating big things from opening weekend. That said, we couldn't stay in the cabin because it was full. No worries, we would sleep under the pavilion on air mattresses. That plan was spoiled when one of the air mattresses didn't have a cap on it, therefore it would not hold air. No worries, I will sleep on the air mattress and my buddy would sleep in the truck. I only had my snuggie as my blanket which was not a big deal seeing how it was 92 degrees that day. At 4:00 am, I woke up FREEZING. The temperature was in the low 50's. It gets chilly when ya get outside of the city I guess. I stayed up and waited till it was time to go. We rolled out of camp at about 5:00 and headed to our stands. I was up in the air by 5:15 and then I realized, it wasn't going to be light for a while. At around 6:00 the sun started to break though the trees and it was BEAUTIFUL. I was sitting on a trail that looked as though every 5 minutes something walked down it. I was wrong. At about 7:00, I heard something that startled me. Being from the northeast, I had never heard it before. It was a (wait for it...) COYOTE. There were about 6 of them and they howled for an hour. It was a pretty awesome sound. Other highlights from the morning included seeing a HUGE hawk and a vulture circling me for approximately an hour. I'm not going to lie, I was literally waving to him as if to say, "Hey, I'm alive down here!" At around 11:30 we got down and headed to get some lunch. While talking at the cabin, a doe walked about 20 yards from us. Cool... We were back in our stands by 1:30 for the evening hunt. At around 2:15, I saw something coming up the trail. I thought to myself, "This is your chance buddy. Don't mess up." It thought it could have been a hog. I was more than OK with that because after the destruction that they have caused this summer, I wanted to take one out. When it started moving again I realized what it was, it was a coyote. Still OK, coyotes eat baby deer. Time to make this coyote pay for that. It got about 50 yards from me and turned and went into the thicket and I never saw it again. BOO. Let's back up... As I was climbing my tree in the afternoon, I got all the way to the top and dropped my water bottle! That's OK I thought, I'll be fine. Wrong again. At around 4:00, I was so dehydrated that I was trying to spit and nothing was happening. From 4 till dark I was leaning over my treestand just trying to survive. I also proceeded to get sunburned on the left side of my body. It was HOT! I don't know why, but deer were not moving. At dark we got down and headed to the truck and back to Houston, 0 for 1 on the year. Still, it was so great to be able to get after it again and go hunting. Next time, you better watch out deer/hogs/coyotes/hawks/vultures. No more Mr. Nice Guy...
Final Hunting Stats:
Dates Hunting: October 1, 2011
Animals Seen: 1 woodpecker, 1 jackrabbit, 1 hawk, 1 vulture, 1 coyote, 6,035 butterflies and a mosquito as big as my head.
Shots Taken: 0
Game Fatally Injured: 0
Overall Rating of the Weekend (scale 1-10): 10 +. Hunting season is back and I'm doing it in Texas... can't complain!
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